Sharing ideas and learning from each other...
In trying to think of new blogs for this site, I always worry that the subjects will be relevant and interesting to a broad spectrum of readers. As a turf professional, I always enjoy visiting with superintendents from all over the world and seeing how they manage their individual turf issues. So I thought I would compile subjects
and share them with readers.
Superintendents have to become innovative in so many ways to deal with their specific turf issues. Some issues may be specific to their region or to that course only. What you will see is that no two superintendents address these issues the same way, and some supers may never face these issues at all.
I feel it’s a valuable resource to share this information so that we can all learn from each other and gain knowledge of what our fellow supers have to endure on a day-to-day basis just to make it through a year.
Examples: Winter prep, water use, affluent water use, dealing with summer heat,
preparing for a major event, interseeding, and other relevant issues.
The first topic I would like to cover is Winter Preparation of Greens.
Please email me subjects you would like to hear more about along with issues you may face at your course that others may find interesting. If you have created or built something that would help a fellow super, feel free to share that also.
Lewis Sharp
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