Crystal Blue Links Creeping Bent
I wanted to introduce our newest member of the Tee-2-Green family to everyone, Crystal BlueLinks creeping bentgrass. The name is different but for a good reason; its unique blue-green color allows it to green-up faster in the springtime in lower light levels and have excellent color year-round.
The color contrast to other turf areas will to set it apart from all the rest. When looking at turf plots, it’s the first one people notice and want to know more about. The turf professionals that have seen it, say it recovers like Penncross and performs like the A’s and G’s without thatch issues.
Like our A’s and G’s, Crystal BlueLinks requires less fertilizer, water, and fungicides to stay healthy. It establishes very quickly with very deep roots, and great lateral growth.
This variety tolerates heat, cold, disease, and wear better than most other bentgrasses.
Crystal BlueLinks has already shown its adaptability by handling the heat and humidity of the transition zone areas and the ultra cold of northern Canada. It’s the new kid on the block, but it for sure will be a stand out for Tee-2-Green in the future years.
What you can expect:
• Quick spring green-up
• Great year-round color
• Excellent disease resistance to dollar spot and brown patch
• Heat and cold tolerance
• Fast establishment and deep rooting
• Fast recovery with lateral growth
• Ability to adapt to all locations
• Less imputes needed
• Excellent wear tolerance
• Excellent for inter-seeding
• Can be blended with other bents like PennLinks II and PennEagle II
The above photo is from Oak Bay CC in Port Severn Canada
Special Thanks to:
Bill Irvin of Lawrence Country Club in Lawrence, KS
Crystal BlueLinks used for golf course renovation and interseeding program.
Don McFaul of Oak Bay Country Club in Port Severn Canada
Crystal BlueLinks on fairways for new construction.
Email me for more Pictures of Crystal BlueLinks from these locations and test facilities.